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Bernadette Fitzpatrick
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kevin lit a candle
Monday, October 16, 2017

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Eric Hough posted a condolence
Saturday, October 14, 2017
Charlotte, Bernadette, Sean, Neil, Kevin.
As a latecomer - when I invited myself into your family 40 years ago you were all well established in a happy loving family. Your mother loved you all very deeply and was proud of you - her children. You could see it in her eyes. This love and bond she had for you creates such a strong vision that when I remember her I always think of you 5. Inseparable.
When I started dating Charlotte and first met Mom, I remembered she had the most beautiful smile. I felt she was happy that I loved her daughter. She always wanted us to come for a visit and not leave and was happy when we we there - especially when the grandchildren were born. Those were crowded, noisy, family get togethers back then. Mom was the quieter one in the big group but was always there enjoying our company and us theirs. When I could get Mom away from the fray she was easy to speak with - good conversations around food, family, gardening, and Ireland! She always managed to cook up a few of her special brussel sprouts that her & I could share at Christmas dinner! Mom was always polite to ask about my Mother and I'll never forget the year they did invite my mother over for Christmas - a very kind gesture!
I admire her courage for leaving it all behind in Northern Ireland and coming to Canada to be with the man she loved. I had the privilege this summer of standing on the street she grew up on in Belfast and wanted so much to tell her about it. But old age took her voice and much of her mind yet it did not take our love for her and all she brought forth over the years. I was honoured to be part of her family and am missing her. A leaf has fallen, the circle is smaller, but me must grow together.
Eric Hough (son in law)
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Eric Hough uploaded photo(s)
Saturday, October 14, 2017

Belfast; August 2017 looking down Earlscourt Street. Childhood home.
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Noeleen Steadman lit a candle
Saturday, October 7, 2017

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Heather, Michael, Allison, Emily and Andrew lit a candle
Friday, October 6, 2017

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Heather Somers posted a condolence
Friday, October 6, 2017
When I start thinking about my Granny one of the first things that popped into my mind was “Professor Cold Heart!” At this point I’m not even sure if this is something I actually remember or something that has become part of our history given how many times the story has been told over the years! The story of Granny quietly pleading with a stubborn young girl to please let her be any other character besides the Care Bears villain! I think of Granny every time I see the excited anticipation on my kids’ faces as I trace my finger on their palms and sing ‘round and round the garden, I lost my teddy bear’. I laugh to myself remembering just how many times I spilled my giant orange pop all over her at the restaurants we went to together.
These quiet moments stand out in my mind but for the most part when I remember my Granny I remember her together with Gog. They were such a team, such a duo! I think of Gog telling one of his “classic” stories while Granny either shook her head, corrected the details or rolled her eyes! I think of them walking with me through the mall or down the sandy shore in Myrtle Beach. And mostly I think of them in their home on Darlingside. Granny perched on her spot on the couch in front of the fire waiting for a hug as we poured in the door. I can see her standing by the stove cooking the rice for Gog’s stir fry or working on the gravy for our many holiday gatherings. I remember her dancing in the basement to the juke box. I can remember hugging her during my wedding ceremony - During the sign of the peace Michael and I came to shake hands with the family and she pulled me in for a hug and was breaking down a little as she whispered ‘God bless you both’ in my ear. I will always remember the love my Granny had for me and our family. I will remember her excitedly meeting and holding my girls when they were babies. I will remember her with Gog and the loving home they built together. I take great comfort knowing that they are finally together again.
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Bernadette (Little Bernadette) lit a candle
Thursday, October 5, 2017

I will miss my quiet but game for anything Mom, and her few but very wise words!
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James Lupo posted a condolence
Wednesday, October 4, 2017
Neil and Kevin and family.... Sorry to hear of your loss. May she rest in peace for eternity.
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Charlotte posted a condolence
Tuesday, October 3, 2017
Ive been missing my Mom long before she passed away last week. Damn Alzheimer's disease robbed her and I of many years, and countless"happy moments"
Her peaceful passing is heartbreaking but .. her soul is at rest at last.
Eleanor and Harry Smith just posted their thoughts, and they are so similar to mine: While it was Dad who was the driving force, it was Mom who quietly made it happen. She hosted many family members from Ireland, for short and long stays. My recent trip to Belfast included visits with cousins who have so many fond memories of Dad and Mom at 3 Darlingside. In fact, I came home with a renewed #Respect for Mom and her generation, who left their family and travelled to Canada alone, in hopes of a better life.
Summers spent poolside at Grannie and Gog's are legendary. Mom's legacy lives on, in all her children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren
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Charlotte Hough lit a candle
Tuesday, October 3, 2017

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Brady family lit a candle
Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Miss you aunt Bernadette. God bless you! God rest your soul! Xo
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