Tribute Wall
Melissa Cornell posted a condolence
Monday, December 5, 2022
I have such fond memories of Bonney, always ready to laugh or tell a story. She was a big part of my upbringing, often at our family home visiting or sharing a meal. A wonderful lady. My heart goes out to David and Mary Katherine and families for their loss.
Melissa Cornell (Missy Pulham)
Jill Bohan lit a candle
Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Thank you Bonney for being a loving and kind mother in law and Nanny. You will be extremely missed.
Diane Taylor lit a candle
Sunday, November 27, 2022

Sending sincere condolences to Mary K Darryl and family. Bonney had a wonderful long life and her time to rest has come. May she Rest in Peace.
Norm and Diane Taylor
Jennifer Bulman posted a condolence
Saturday, November 26, 2022
Bonney was the youngest of four siblings, the others being Marjorie (Peggy, my mother), Bruce (Bud) and Barbara. My mother talked about a camping trip that my grandfather took them on with no sleeping bags. My mother smuggled a blanket and the two youngest put “the baby” between them because she was so warm - and hence survived the camping ordeal. My aunt was warm and funny and much loved by family and friends.
Kimberly Phillips posted a condolence
Saturday, November 26, 2022
Please accept my deepest and most heartfelt condolences.
The family of Bonney Bohan uploaded a photo
Friday, November 25, 2022

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493 Springbank Dr, London, ON, N6J 1H3 | Main: 519-471-7450 | Fax: 519-471-9142 | woodland@woodlandcemetery.on.ca
Owned and operated by St. Paul's Cathedral, London, On