Tribute Wall
Ian Pryde posted a condolence
Monday, April 3, 2023
I first met Bill in around 1980 when he worked for Nationwide and I Panasonic. I immediately became one of his many friends. He was always so much fun to be around. I remember on a trip to Japan, Bill roaming up and down the isle of the tour bus with a large bottle of Sake, making sure all the dealers were happy and well lubricated. Vintage Mandich.
After Nationwide and Panasonic, we remained in touch and visited each others homes. Bill always showed up for my house parties and I would go to London to visit him. He took me on quite a few brewery tours and seemed to love flea markets, where he picked up some of the unusual wee gifties he would give people. We attended several Jays games together before Covid and we made contact after his recovery from the fall. It was the Jays season opener that made me try to reach him.
A bright light has gone out and I will miss him and that "hello, hello, hello".
Pam Mandich Posted Apr 4, 2023 at 4:10 PM
Collin Kidd uploaded photo(s)
Friday, March 17, 2023

The Blues Brothers Curling Team
Collin Kidd posted a symbolic gesture
Friday, March 17, 2023

Sincere condolences to Bill's family & friends on losing a 'truly larger than life" guy.
We were part of his Calgary saga both in work & social life. That guy knew how to have fun: from hosting "punk rock / Nun " themed parties during a house reno ( greeting guests with wet paint brush in hand as he was in the middle of varnishing the floors), to enrolling us in his Blues Brothers antics....hitting theatres or curling bonspiels with all 3 of us in full costume & character. Bill was a perfect Jake, my husband Collin was Elwood ( complete with knuckle tattoo & briefcase chained to his arm), I was Blues Woman. Of course these are just a couple of vintage memories we have about our special friend. For a short time I was VP Western Division, Bison Marketing, involving at least one road trip A unique experience for sure!
In later years when we were passing thru TO Bill met us @ Pearson for a beer...and spray Silly Stringed us to the chairs in the bar. LOL. Our last conversation with him was near the end of COVID restrictions. It was so spirit uplifting to hear his signature cheery "Hello, Hello, Hello" greeting when I answered the phone.
Bill was a truly unique creation. They broke the mold after they made him. Our lives were fuller for having known him. We're sure he'd be happy knowing we will be toasting & roasting him in upcoming friend get togethers over the summer.
Warmest thoughts....Collin & Colleen Kidd
Kelly Mandich uploaded photo(s)
Thursday, January 5, 2023




+ 4
Kathy Navackas posted a condolence
Wednesday, January 4, 2023
My condolences to the family. Bill was such an awesome supporter, promoter, and Trouper for the London Fringe! Despite his limitations he was always one of the first to sign up, get involved, and wow did he have some ideas for us! His love of local breweries is unmatched - he coordinated tours for performers and anyone else who wanted to tag along and his knowledge of each local brewery was impressive. I will always remember the conversations we had when he had thoughts for improving our operations and his unique fundraising ideas that were terrific. Bill, I hope wherever you are it is at the best brewery with all of your favourites lined up, ready to sip! And thank you.
June posted a condolence
Tuesday, January 3, 2023
Dear Beloved family of Bill,
My deepest condolences for the loss of the great man with a big heart. He was so good to all of us, the Tajima family when we lived in Toronto many years ago and the friendship continued long after…
As everyone has already written, he was always full of ideas to humour everyone and I remember him visiting me in London and us getting on the double decker tour bus, spending loads of time in the pub and Bill saying how tiny his hotel room was!
We’re really going to miss him…
RIP Bill, and thank you so much for your friendship, you will always he remembered as our uncle in Canada.
June Tajima
Kelly Mandich posted a condolence
Tuesday, January 3, 2023
It has taken awhile to sit and think about my Uncle Bill. I was shocked that he passed so suddenly. My memories of my Uncle Bill were always fun. He was always funny and found ways to inject humour into every situation. As a child he let me help him move. I am pretty sure I was not really much help but it was fun to be included in an adult activity. When I moved into my new house in Woodstock he came for Christmas. This was 1999 so the gift was a Y2K survival kit. Just about everything in the survival kit had something to do with Bill. It was hilarious to pull out each item and see how he managed to insert himself into a seemingly inane but useful item. Uncle Bill your smile and laugh will forever be etched into my memory. We always wish for that one more moment because we never know when it was going to be the last time. I feel that way. Love you very much Uncle Bill.
KIM MARTIN uploaded photo(s)
Wednesday, December 28, 2022



KIM MARTIN posted a condolence
Tuesday, December 27, 2022
Dear Family,
Please accept my sincere condolences on the passing of a unique, intelligent and humourous man.
I first met Bill through Al Love (RIP 2019 - Panasonic) in the 1990's while Bill was at Nationwide here in Etobicoke.
Many memorable events have passed since then primarily involving craft beers, baseball games and touristy visits when Bill would travel all the way to Toronto by BUS for distractions.
I am also the guy who assisted Bill move back from LA in Nov 2001 right after 9/11. That was a memorable trip I've NEVER forgotten. Fears of terrorists in Las Vegas and many miles of continental USA allowed us to really get to know each other - LOL.
If you can find contact info., may I suggest you let Shannon and a man called 'Kaz' (Nationwide I think) aware of Bill's passing who may use their large networks aware of Bill's passing. 'Kaz' may also be able to provide some of Bill's Japanese collegues know.
Remembering Bill warmly, may he now Rest-In-Peace.
Kim Martin
PS - GREAT picture of Bill - Thanks for sharing.
Pam Mandich Posted Dec 28, 2022 at 7:06 PM
Thank you, Kim. I will see if I can find these people. Do you know their last names?
Pam Mandich
June Posted Jan 3, 2023 at 10:19 PM
Dear Kim
I’ve just let my dad Kaz know of this sad news as soon as I heard of Bill’s passing this morning.
Thank you for remembering my dad and the great friendship he had with Bill. I really appreciate your thoughts.
Bill really did well to make everyone laugh and brighten our lives! Thank you Bill!
McKenzie lit a candle
Monday, December 26, 2022

When I think of you I remember: as a kid, every time you visited our home how I looked forward to the crazy gross candy you would bring and the silly faces we would make together when we ate it. ‘Earwax’ gummies, lollipops with real bugs inside, ‘reindeer poop’ chocolate. We would talk about the big store we’d open one day full of weird candy. You encouraged my imagination and adventurousness. Thank you.
Pam Mandich uploaded photo(s)
Monday, December 19, 2022


You were always a fun uncle, always giving us the best Christmas presents-the ones our parents didn't want us to have. LOL! And you continued the tradition with your great nieces and nephews. I remember the bug lollipop you gave McKenzie-and her face when she bravely swallowed the bug. You even held the domain name for The Gross Store when the both of you were planning it. Rest in Peace and enjoy the beer.
Love, your niece,
The family of William Mandich uploaded a photo
Monday, December 19, 2022

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