Tribute Wall
Vern Pilder uploaded photo(s)
Thursday, July 4, 2024


Nick would put a his finger in a light socket to check for electricity, Nick would pack the dance floor playing Hava Nagila on the violin, I had the pleasure of working with Nick at the Northway Bar, Houghton Lake, Mi. 1966
CaroleSue Hess lit a candle
Thursday, February 8, 2024

I met Nick in the late sixties, when he played in a band at the Northway Bar in Houghton Lake Mi., where I was a waitress. I remember that some of us stopped to see him at MSU on our way to somewhere, and he had a clock that showed the time on the ceiling, and his lights were on timers. Both unheard of back then. I was so impressed by his inventions. Not too long ago I bought one of those "Nick clocks" and I think of him, whenever I look up at the time. He sure lived a great life, and we shared the same political views, so I chuckled when I read that he too yelled at Fox News, and I will gladly carry on the tradition for him. What a great guy he was, and I am honored and humbled to have known him. Thank you for contacting me Martha.
Rick Todd posted a condolence
Saturday, December 9, 2023
I met Nick through the Thursday night band and we quickly became friends. We had some great jams and I admired his bass playing ability and musicianship. It was a shame that his carpel tunnel surgery hindered his playing ability but he loved to listen and with some coaxing still played a few more songs with us. I borrowed his biography and loved it and honestly couldn’t put it down. He was a real working musician and had amazing stories. I sent him a number of articles I found related to his booking agent, Harold and he always replied with a thank you and kind words. As a fellow engineer we connected on that subject too and his charity work with heart monitors likely saved hundreds of lives. He described his aches and pains on the last time I saw him so I’m glad that he is no longer suffering. I’ll miss him and send my condolences and love to Martha and the entire family.
Norm Corrin posted a condolence
Wednesday, December 6, 2023
Martha and family,
I was very sorry to hear of Nick's passing. I knew Nick as the husband of a wonderful long-time employee in my department at University Hospital and as the very competent rep for Hewlett-Packard. It was great to see the strong and happy bond between Nick and Martha when they both happened to be in the hospital at the same time..
Nick was a favourite as salesmen/technical consultant for Hewlett-Packard. H-P was the premier monitoring equipment of the time and Nick was the gold standard company representative. Nick was a pleasure to deal with and we shared many a laugh over coffee or at meetings.
We enjoyed a friendship as well. I remember being inspired by Nick's creation of his own personal light-hearted "business" card he created in retirement. The world will miss this humble talented man with a heart for service to others.
John, Adèle and family posted a condolence
Thursday, November 9, 2023
Please accept our sincere condolences to Martha and her family. Nick was an HP sales representative who constantly set the highest standards for customer service in support of his company’s medical equipment. Our children fondly remember Nick playing trumpet on New Year’s Eve at our home. He was the P.Eng. who built a motorized bicycle. If it was not the oldest ever built, it certainly was the heaviest! Our friend will be sorely missed but the memories will always make us smile.
Sue & Mark posted a condolence
Saturday, October 28, 2023
Nick was a great neighbor! Always had good stories to share of his life adventures & quoting classic songs like "what a drag it is getting old" from the Rolling Stones/mother's little helper. We had good times by the bon fires a/o chatting about anything. He had a great laugh & he will be surely missed. Our condolences to Martha & family.
louise radmore posted a condolence
Monday, October 23, 2023
Martha, I am very sorry to read of Nick’s passing. He seemed like the kinda guy who would live forever. I treasure my memories of the times we shared when the kids were all little ones. Oh how he loved being a Dad! I remember him with all four kids crawling all over him and laughing.
My thoughts are with you and your family.
Tillat Khalid lit a candle
Sunday, October 22, 2023

We only had the pleasure of meeting Nick twice but each occasion was filled with instant friendship, laughter and wonderful anecdotes. Nick and his family opened their hospitable doors to our children so many times. Thank you Nick. Rest in peace.
Diane Derosa posted a condolence
Saturday, October 21, 2023
Uncle Nick I wish I knew you better. What a beautiful tribute, a beautiful read. What a fascinating life you had and you made such an impact on so many lives. I have vague memories as a young girl during family functions. I remember talking to you about Hewlett Packer since I was a young nurse and Hewlett Packer was everywhere. I never knew that you made such a contribution to that company. Condolences to Aunt Martha and family.
Vera Parker lit a candle
Saturday, October 21, 2023

My memories of Uncle Nick always start with his big smile, happy events, and lots of good food. Eat honey! I only really knew Nick as a young girl, life gets in the way of staying in touch. What I always remember is him standing behind Martha with his arms wrapped around her waist, big smile and that they had a special bond, true love! I recently visited with them, and it was still there, so lucky and how many years later. I wish I had known him better as an adult! From all the stories he really lived life. My condolences.
Clayton Michael Roney posted a condolence
Saturday, October 21, 2023
Food. Always food. The beginning, and the end, of any interaction with Mr. Bassel, for the two of us, was a recognition of the blessing and abundance, that is food. Food shared and food celebrated; a most honourable Bassel tradition.
This is a nod to Martha and her elaborate dishes as much as a celebration of family as it extends into friends and social gatherings.
Upon any arrival at the Bassel household when Nick was home he would insist upon "the tour"...of the fridge that is. I can still hear his exuberant tone of voice echoing in my heart and soul as he insisted I try this or that dish his wondrous wife fashioned from scratch. A veritable Bassel buffet, unforgettable and without compare.
When it became apparent that Nick appreciated my appetite - as he would indicate that I reminded him of his younger, hungrier days - I took it upon myself as a code of guest's honour to never say no and always remain curiously hungry and willing to eat that one more slice of pie, pizza, or serving(s) of scrambled eggs...
Lisa posted a condolence
Saturday, October 21, 2023
I am very lucky that over the last number of years, my annual trips to Canada included staying a few days with Aunt Martha and Uncle Nick, where they always welcomed me with love and a big hug from Nick. A special touch was the personalised "welcome " signs he would create. I would ask for a tour of his man cave where if I was lucky he would play a bit for me on his theremin which he built himself. I was fascinated by his musical talent and quirky yet practical inventions.
I remember as a teenager working at a burger place and he came in while out on the road in his HP job. We hadn't seen each other in years. I said "you look like my Uncle Nick" and lo and behold it was him! What's surprising is that years later we both remembered this moment and he said that at the time he was so proud in front of the other customers that this young blond behind the counter was his niece. That made me feel so special as I was amazed that he even remembered.
My best memories are sitting on their back deck, sharing a delicious home cooked meal made by Martha and having long chats. It didn't matter if the same stories were repeated many times, we laughed so much! Nick was incredibly successful in so many facets of life but never came across as boastful. He also always asked about me and was genuinely interested in how I was doing. I felt that he really understood me, having known me since I was little. Nick never failed to give me sound advice, which I will always remember and abide by.
I feel privileged to have spent this time with my favourite uncle, learn his stories and Nickisms. I will miss him immensely.
Rose Ann, thank you for sharing your sweet story. I will add Baloo's song to my list which remind me of Nick.
Lisa uploaded photo(s)
Saturday, October 21, 2023



Ksenia Vulikh lit a candle
Friday, October 20, 2023

Michael Baker posted a condolence
Friday, October 20, 2023
Nick always used to hang out with us when we would party at the Bassel’s, which was often. Nick was hilarious, curious and truly brilliant. I loved his warm, approachable style and hearty belly laugh. I would sometimes hang out with him instead of Sty, Margs and Chrissy if I got there early. Nick was talented and creative and had so much patience and humanity about him. He was so approachable and engaging every single time I saw him.
I’ve always considered Nick one of my good friends. I will forever miss the camping trip at Englishman River Falls on Vancouver Island that we spent with Nick, when he stood up cruising around the campgrounds in my beater convertible Suzuki with us. A true legend and Gem of a human being. R.I.P. Nikos you will be missed.
doug weldon posted a condolence
Friday, October 20, 2023
Ah, Nick,... we truly hate to see you go!
You kept us on point, honest and held us to account.
You showed us how to live with honour and dignity in calamitous times.
I loved the memory someone posted of you as Balou from The Jungle Book, dancing a pirouette.
I witnessed the mesmerizing effect you had over an audience.
You had perfect pitch and rather large ears.
I loved playing with you at my side.
Roll on, Nikos.
Ben Percy posted a condolence
Friday, October 20, 2023
I had the privilege of spending some time with Nick and his family over the Christmas season a few years back. He was a great character - I have fond memories of him scheming on how to keep the squirrels away from the bird feeder, tucking into a meal at Swiss Chalet surrounded by his kids and wife, falling asleep in his favourite chair. The highlight though was definitely a jam session we had in their living room, topped off by Nick disappearing briefly and re-emerging with his stand-up bass to join in the session. Absolute legend, he will be missed.
Lauren (Rose Ann) Carlisle posted a condolence
Friday, October 20, 2023
I have many happy memories of Uncle Nick, but the day I truly fell in love with him was when he walked in the TV room while my sisters and I were watching the original Disney cartoon of ‘The Jungle Book’. The scene with Baloo singing ‘The Bear Necessities’ was playing. Nick started singing the song word for word and dancing around the room just like Baloo. In my mind, Baloo’s warm, kind and laid back attitude perfectly encapsulated who Nick was…he even looked a little like Baloo. To this day, whenever I hear that song, I remember Nick and I smile. Of course he’s done so many more accomplished things than this, but to me, this is what made him special and a hero. Nick modeled a masculinity that was nurturing, soft spoken, intelligent, under stated, and fun. As a young girl, it made a huge impression on me. Thanks Uncle Nick.
Here’s a you tube link to the song…. https://youtu.be/9ogQ0uge06o
Mauraine lit a candle
Friday, October 20, 2023

I did not know him long but I did know that he always carried a very big smile and had a very warm heart.
Paul and Mary Ann Adams posted a condolence
Friday, October 20, 2023
I will never forget watching Nick, in white gloves, play Good Vibrations on the the Theremin at a medical benefit. The Beach Boys would have been impressed. He was a great musician and fabulous raconteur. There was one story involving, I think, beer, a fast car that may have been "borrowed" , the OPP and a short break from a summer job that was truly amusing. He had a twinkle in his eye and beautiful smile. Martha and family, he will be missed and we send you our deepest condolences.
Karen Mitches posted a condolence
Friday, October 20, 2023
I spent a lot of time at the Bassel house as a teenager, being a friend of Margaret and Steven. Mr. Bassel made quite an impression on me! His joie de vivre, his passion for justice, and his humour are things I remember warmly. He was a great example and I'll miss catching up with him. All my love to his family
David Tingey posted a condolence
Friday, October 20, 2023
Nick was a great friend and musical companion. A shining beacon of how to stay young at heart. I will miss him dearly. My condolences to Martha and family.
Geoff Read posted a condolence
Friday, October 20, 2023
I loved Nick. I loved his stories about music and life. I remember a car trip to the cottage near Bracebridge the family used to rent when Nick allowed me to play some music and I put on Dire Straits. When “Sultans of Swing” came on he kept saying, “Oh I love this jam.” He made me rewind and play it something like 5 or 6 times.
He was one of a kind and an awesome guy.I will cherish my memories of his sense of humour, kindness, and zest for life. I’m very sorry to read this news and my deepest condolence to Sty, Mags, Laura, Chrissy, Martha and family and friends.
Chris Lincoln posted a condolence
Friday, October 20, 2023
Bravo Nick! To a life very well lived. You will be missed and thought of often.
Peggy Mrace posted a condolence
Friday, October 20, 2023
“You to can have a body like this”. Nick loved food and I love preparing it. Nick and Martha shared many many meals with me and my family He appreciated every bite. He never failed to say it. “You to can have a body like this”
Sheila and Mark Woodley posted a condolence
Friday, October 20, 2023
“Very little for me, thanks”
Nick you were one of a kind and will be greatly missed
Our condolences to the family
Ashley Mrace posted a condolence
Friday, October 20, 2023
When I first moved to London Ontario, aunt Martha and uncle Nick invited me over for many dinners. I grow very close with them during my time in London. I don’t know if they know how much those dinners meant to me. But they were always the highlight of my week. I wish that we could’ve spent even more time together, and jammed out a few songs. But I know one day we’ll meet again and we will.
Gerda and Don Morrow posted a condolence
Friday, October 20, 2023
Our deepest condolences to Martha and family. Nick greeted everyone with a winning smile and a gigantic hug. He will be missed.
The family of Nicholas Bassel uploaded a photo
Thursday, October 19, 2023

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