Tribute Wall
Roberta posted a condolence
Tuesday, December 31, 2024
A most honorable man who shared his abundance of good will. He was a great humanitarian. So truly sad to hear of his passing.
Kevin uploaded photo(s)
Thursday, December 21, 2023

Remember John well. He was an instructor and a leader when I became a Flight Engineer 36+ years ago. We served in Egypt with 403 Sqn 1987-88. He made us smile with his humor and attitude! RIP John ..Regards to the family at this difficult time.
haley lyon lit a candle
Monday, December 18, 2023

Doug Fox posted a symbolic gesture
Saturday, December 16, 2023

So sorry to hear of John’s passing. I worked along side John for 18 years and got to know the gentle kind soul behind that gruff exterior. Highly skilled and one of the smartest people I have ever met. John had such a big heart that many didn’t get to see. He loved writing letters to the editor to the London Free Press…his favourite subject was politics. He was dedicated to his families and friends. He always had a twinkle in his eyes when he spoke of his grandkids…he was SO proud of them. His stories of his time in the military were amazing…search and rescue to taking Royalty fishing. John Day was a quality human being and will be missed. RIP John.
Christen Bourque posted a symbolic gesture
Saturday, December 16, 2023

My husband Matt and I had the great pleasure of working with John while he was head mechanic at Fleetway, a job he held for over 18 years. After his retirement, he would visit Fleetway, often weekly, to chat or bring gifts of homecooked food or little odds and ends, like a emergency light for our car! I always knew John had been by if I saw my name scrawled in thick black Sharpie on a unique item or on a tupperware of food. He made the best potato salad, not too much parsley ;) I had the great honour of being one of John's regular email contacts, I still don't know how he had "insider" info on when gas would drop 5 or 10 cents in the next few days. I will now attach some of his more recent emails, in their original form, in John's hurried typing. The most common emails were the ones which had just a subject line, and no body to the email, classic.
Nov 26th:
I am thinkin of driving to NB at xmas to surprise my daughter
it will all depend on the driving conditions
it will be a last minute thing
I won't drive all the way in winter, I will stay overnite in Drummondville
about half way
Nov 25th:
I am making turkey thighs/dressing/gravy/cranberry sauce tonite
don't need to cook a whole turkey
I love turkey dinner!!
for 15 years I made big turkey dinners for Beth's family at xmas/thanksgiving
I kinda miss making big dinners
I don't get much turkey any more, so I just buy turkey thighs
I cook 2 and save one for next week
Beth was doing chemo for 5-6 of those years
the kitchen smells would give her nausea
the kids never knew I did it all, I came in early and cleaned house for all of those dinners
she would make the gravy
I made everything else
Subject: u werkin fri/sat?
Subject: do you like 15 bean soup with ham hock?
whenever I go to my brothers, he makes me bean soup
so darn good!!
my brother doesn't soak
he just puts it on high at 7am
and we eat at 5-6pm
it is always good
do you like tim's green tea?
I ordered 2 scalp massagers from Amazon
they sent me 2 boxes of green tea instead
I don't drink green tea
Subject: are you werkin tomorrow?
bean soup is good!!!!!
I usually screw stuff up on the last hour
I did put peas/carrots in
because i need veggies
Subject: R U werkin Monday?
gonna make a potato salad tomorrow
Subject: your potato salad is in fridge
might be a few too many onions
the red ones are a bit strong
John, your name was on my lips twice on the day of your passing, for two different reasons. You are loved and remembered and missed and blessed, and we were all lucky to have known you.
~Christen Bourque~
gordon day posted a condolence
Saturday, December 16, 2023
John and I started out in a big family. We were bitter rivals as kids.
Always 'one-upping' each other.
We went with the family, camping and heading up north, each yr,
to our step father's place.
That was a spark for the outdoors that lasted a lifetime.
After schooling, we drifted apart for many yrs. John, to the military,
and myself, to wander, to parts unknown.
We reconnected eventually, and shared our love for hunting and
enjoying the northern woods.
Many ATV trips/calamities, ensued.
Like the time a beaver dam washed out and flooded our return route.
He said "go ahead, How deep can it be?"
6 FEET. I was drenched and still miles from the truck.
With a drowned ATV.
Or the time he drove his ATV up a steep cut, and flipped it completely
I ran over to make sure he was OK, and he was laughing, saying
"did you get a picture?" I did.
I introduced him to my good friend Rob, and another bond was formed.
He came up for 1 trip, only to have take me to hosp.
I was worried that he wasted a trip.
Nope. He and Rob went gallavanting off to the bush, til I was able
to get released.
We never really shared each other's familys, but we always enjoyed each
others' company,
He had nieces, nephews he never met.
And I met very few of his brood. But he always spoke of his dear friend,
Beth and her grandkids.
I got to meet Zack and Alysia. Zack was very shy, and Alysia tolerated
being around an old grump.
I could say I taught her how to ride and ATV, except she parked it rite
in the trees at the bottom of a ditch.
John musta taught her how to do that.
Zack would always want to go fishing, so we always stopped at streams
to drown a worm or 2.
His time with Beth and her family, was the happiest I ever seen him.
He rarely talked of some of the horrors he saw in the military.
His picture is in some book about searching for a Russian satelite on
Great Bear Lake, NWT.
You would never recognise him as he was bundled up like the
Michelin man.
And the time Prince Phillip slipped and fell getting off a helicopter,
striking the crown jewels in his fall.
In Ruwanda, his chopper was sent to evacuate, some local big wig who was
escaping the terrors, there.
The whole family showed up with all they owned, including mattresses.
Sry bud no room on the chopper.
In Sommerside PEI, he was search and rescue.
His chopper got the call the night the Ocean Ranger went down. (Google it)
After his military jaunts, he found Fleetway, and enjoyed his friends
Every hunting season he spoke of Fleetway, and his comradery with
all the folks there.
The homeless in London, will notice his passing.
John was always cooking huge meals, and putting them into containers
to distribute down at the river or the homeless camps.
A lot of his outdoor gear was given to the homeless when he quit hunting.
Gotta be the best dressed homeless around.
He had no tolerance for 'useless eaters' but he helped so many folks at
the drop of a hat.
We will all miss you brother.
Say hi to Beth for me.
from Little House on The Prairie
"remember me with joy and laughter
cause that how I will remember you all
But if you can only remember me with tears and sadness
then dont remember me at all"
Maria Lyon lit a candle
Saturday, December 16, 2023

Sorry for you loss and praying for you. Love you all.
The family of John Victor Day uploaded a photo
Saturday, December 16, 2023

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