Tribute Wall
Carol Miller posted a condolence
Monday, December 9, 2024
Dear Meagan,
I am sadden to read the news of your mom’s death. I so enjoyed knowing and working with your mom. She was fun, had a great sense of humour. A fun memory..at Christmas she would make a wish list for Dick and he would come to the shop and pick a gift from her curated list. I thought this was brilliant!
Please accept my condolences.
Carol Miller
Rosemary Schaefer posted a condolence
Saturday, November 16, 2024
We were very sorry to hear of Gail’s passing. Gail was a good friend and I have great memories of our time spent antiquing and attending quilt shows. Our condolences to Dick, Meagan and Chris and the rest of your families.
Elisabeth Staton posted a condolence
Friday, November 8, 2024
The members of the Lambeth Art Association express their deepest condolences for your loss. Gail was a valued long-term member.
Ian Wilson posted a condolence
Tuesday, November 5, 2024
Our deepest condolences to the family and I know how much Gail will be missed. I spent countless weekends of my youth with Chris in the basement on Viscount, and I always appreciated how accommodating, friendly and patient Gail was - Ian and Tanya
Sandra Candy posted a condolence
Saturday, November 2, 2024
Gail and I met as "parent to teacher" when Meagan was in Grade Three. Our friendship developed at various professional development events, and later as colleagues during our teaching days. When Christopher was born, we met up with a small group of teaching friends at the house in Woodham on November 11, a day off from school at that time. Gail and I signed up together for beginner's watercolour lessons years ago. We enjoyed that time tremendously, and Gail continued to pursue her art with a gifted talent. For the past three decades, we have stayed connected with an annual "Christmas Tea" group of teaching friends. Gail traditionally gave each of us a new book mark every year, featuring her original paintings...this collection is a much treasured and well-used keepsake. Gail's distinctive voice and laugh, along with her fierce love and promotion of literacy and reading will be in my head and heart for always. Dick, Meagan, Chris, Garth, Ramona, Lauren, Eirin and Henrik, for your immeasurable loss and grief, I am profoundly sad and sorry.
Sandy Candy
Thea Riccio uploaded photo(s)
Thursday, October 31, 2024



We met Gail in September, 1971, at UWO and remained close friends throughout the decades. In spite of living for extended periods at great distance, our connection never faltered.
Gail was blessed with an attribute so few possess; a gift of selflessness and humanity which drew people to her.
Kind and generous, a talented artist and book-lover extraordinaire, Gail would readily offer thoughtful advice, suggest a few good books and provide art tips for those who struggled with a lesser talent.
Gail and I spent the summer of ‘74 wandering through Europe; an unforgettable adventure. She came to visit in Italy in 2006 (photos of the Cinque Terre) but her greatest geographic love was forever Britain.
Gail was well and truly smitten and, thanks to Dick’s niece Cheryl, she was off to her beloved UK several times.
We miss her and will think of her often, always remaining thankful for having Gail in our lives.
To her family, especially Dick, our deepest sympathy and condolences.
Dorothy Adams posted a condolence
Wednesday, October 30, 2024
My heart aches hearing of Gail’s passing. God blessed her with inner beauty that equals her outer beauty. May God comfort her family in their sadness.
Gerard Pas posted a condolence
Wednesday, October 30, 2024
I am deeply sorry for your loss. Gail will be missed in our arts community.
I always liked Gail as she was a kind and generous woman, mostly I’ll miss her keen sense of humor. She could always bring a smile to my face.
Sandy Morrison posted a condolence
Wednesday, October 30, 2024
Gail and I met in Grade 9 at Central High School. We became fast friends during all of our high school years and she spent many summer holidays with us at North Bay as well as our times at her Grandpa's cottage on Lake Huron...what fun we had. She always called my Mom "Mom Mater". In later years on her return to London we got together for coffee with 2 other high school friends for many years. I had such admiration for her intellectual abilities and her artistic brilliance. Bob and I met her at remark in the Spring and she told us about her condition. We'll never forget her.
Sandy (Mater) & Bob Morrison
chris ross posted a condolence
Wednesday, October 30, 2024
Condolences, Donna and Trevor Nesbitt
Fond memories from our school days.
Jean Rosati posted a condolence
Tuesday, October 29, 2024
First of all my sincere condolences to Dick and the entire family .
I only met Gail later in life through our mutual interest in art and painting, but discovered we had several other mutual interests and we became good friends. We spent happy hours painting and many more drinking coffee and chatting. We had similar senses of humor and this helped cement a good friendship over the years.
Gail loved books and reading and although I tried many times to get her to join a book club I was unsuccessful....she read for the pure joy of it.!
Loyalty to family and friends was a hallmark characteristic of Gail. She was inclusive in her friendships and straightforward in her interactions with them. Her family meant the world to her and she really enjoyed her youngest grandchild.
Gail will be sorely missed.
Gail...."You may be gone from my sight but never from my heart" said Pooh Bear to his friend Piglet of AA Milne fame.
George Godbolt posted a condolence
Tuesday, October 29, 2024
Lois and I share our condolences with Dick, Meagan, Christopher and family. While we knew Gail when she and Dick lived in Woodham and Exeter, Gail’s heart was always in London. Her strength and patient wisdom will be missed by all.
George Godbolt.
Patti Fisher uploaded photo(s)
Monday, October 28, 2024


My deepest, heartfelt condolences to Dick and family.
I met Gail through art as a member of the same art clubs. I found her to be welcoming, thoughtful, and kind. She was a no fuss, to the point person. She was a talented artist in both watercolour and oils. As a new artist I appreciated her willingness to share her knowledge including tips that worked for her.
I have many fond memories of Gail, but one that stands out as most special was our second painting trip to France. She and I were roommates. She was game for most things and so determined to keep pace. One of the highlights was the day trip to GROTTE DE NIAUX - a prehistoric site with important cave paintings and drawings. What a trooper she was…no canes or supports of any kind were allowed. Navigating in the dark, with few lamps for light across and down some ruggedly uneven and slippery terrain was well worth the trek to have seen the paintings and graffiti dating back over 30,000 yrs ago.
I admired her resilience, calmness, patience, selflessness, devotion and concern for her soulmate, best friend and love of her life Dick. I’ll remember her as a dear friend with a huge heart. She always placed Dick and family first, followed by Art and Books.
She will be so missed. Rest peacefully dear Gail.
The family of Gail Elizabeth May Jongkind uploaded a photo
Monday, October 28, 2024

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