Tribute Wall
Danielle verpaelst posted a condolence
Monday, September 6, 2021
Joan was a beautiful person inside and out.I was blessed to have her as mentor and friend for the last 55 years of my life.She was an incredibly strong person who was surrounded and supported by a family (human and canine)who loved her very much.
I am sure she will stay close to all of us and will always have a warm spot in our hearts.
Kerry-Anne Kutz posted a condolence
Monday, August 16, 2021
Joan has been an inspiration and a loving friend to our family for the past forty years. She and Colin, Suzie, Debbie, Louisa, Joe, David, and the children have surrounded and supported each other with love and deepest caring. Their constancy, laughter, many poodles, beautiful gardens, lovely dinners, and projects of all kinds have been shared with other family members and friends so generously and lovingly.
Joan was a very fine singer and dedicated musician. She loved music and took pride in singing with the Church of St. Andrew and St. Paul's outstanding choir. I'm so grateful to have met her there and to have become constant friends.
Michael and I, Andréa and Simon cherish the friendship and love shared with the Oates family.
We will miss you Joan but you will always be close to our hearts.
with love always;
Kerry-Anne, Michael, Andréa and Simon
Colin Oates posted a condolence
Friday, August 13, 2021
Every day of our 68 years of marriage, my beloved wife Joanne became more loving, more caring and more beautiful. She was my compass and without her I shall be eternally lost. She shall always be in my heart
Maura Crilly posted a condolence
Friday, August 13, 2021
I will remember Joan’s warm smile and charming personality. A lady in every sense of the word who was loved by her devoted family. She will be sorely missed. May she Rest In Peace.
Jo Ann, Erich and Philipp Grimm posted a condolence
Thursday, August 12, 2021
From JoAnn, Erich and Philipp Grimm
Joan's grace and refinement were not just surface qualities...she was an enlightened and deeply caring human being.
Although she trained as a coloratura soprano, her family always came first. She found her " musical home " amongst the camaraderie of the accomplished musicians who comprised the prestigious choir of the Church of St. Andrew and St. Paul in Montreal. This is where we first met her, singing next to her in the soprano section, where she was a devoted and lifelong member. ..Eventually our friendship grew to include her dear Colin and entire family.
Dear Joan, your generosity, compassion, wisdom - and music - will live in our hearts always. May the Angels lead you into Paradise.
Lydia Cappelli posted a condolence
Thursday, August 12, 2021
My memory of Joan is of a very elegant and graceful lady, accentuated by a radiant smile when surrounded by family.
Colin Oates lit a candle
Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Sue Oates lit a candle
Wednesday, August 11, 2021

jennifer Fradenburg lit a candle
Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Deborah Oates lit a candle
Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Claire Oates-Calver lit a candle
Tuesday, August 10, 2021

David Calver posted a condolence
Tuesday, August 10, 2021
I have known Joan for almost forty years. Over those years she became a true friend, offering unstinting support, good council and the unfailing ability to listen without censure .Her talent was one of great and true kindness, freely given to all. With her passing we have lost a fine lady, a true friend and a great role model, In her memory I promise to pay that kindness forward in repayment of the debt of friendship I shall always owe to her.
Good night sweet lady , a thousand angels guide thee to thy rest
Louisa Oates lit a candle
Tuesday, August 10, 2021

The family of Margaret Joanne Oates uploaded a photo
Tuesday, August 10, 2021

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